Sunday, August 1, 2010

Almond Scented Soap

Ever since I was a little kid, my favorite scent and taste has been almond.  I would beg my mom to make poppy seed cake, because she would use almond extract in the recipe.  To this day it is one of my favorite desserts.

However, my fondest memory of the scent itself has to do with soap.  Whenever my mom would take me somewhere, I would love it when we'd go into the public restrooms, because then I could go to the soap dispenser, put some in my hand, and smell it to see if the scent was almond.  There was always that expectation and hope when I went to wash my hands, and I often found myself sorely disappointed that the soap was lemon scented or just plain unscented, which was worst of all.  But, when I found the almond scented soap in a public restroom, I often found myself washing my hands at least twice.

I'm grown up and don't wash my hands multiple times just in hopes that the almond scent will embed itself in my skin, but I still smell the soap every time I wash my hands in hopes to get a sweet whiff of almond.  That's why I was pleasantly surprised to find that scent in my home.  My mom had bought a jug of almond scented soap and filled all of our soap dispensers with it.  Now every time I wash my hands I get to feel like a little kid again and enjoy that smell.

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