Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The last two days have been busy, but great.  Monday morning I went grocery shopping and did laundry, and then went to Lagoon with Leticia Cromar.  We only went for six hours, but we did things I had either never done at Lagoon, or hadn't done in a long time.  One of those things was watching a show in the Carousel Plaza.  It was The American Jukebox, and it was really fun.  I didn't realize how talented those people were that worked at Lagoon.

Today was filled with errands.  I took my cat to the vet to get his rabies shot and to see why he wasn't eating very much and was puking so often, and found out that he just needs a little medicine and everything will be fine: which was a relief.  Then I went to Provo to get the key to my apartment so I can move in next week.  I must say, I'm excited.  I get my own master bedroom upstairs, and the place looks really nice.  It was just re-carpeted and has a hardwood floor in the living room.  I'll also have two closets for clothes and storage.  I ran into a girl I'll be sharing the apartment with, but I don't remember her name.  Really, I need to work on making a point to remember names.

Then I went up onto campus.  It was Education Week.  Somehow I'd managed to forget that.  So, instead of getting lunch, I grabbed an apple juice and wandered around in the BYU bookstore.  I did buy a green fine tip sharpie; if I'd have walked out of there without buying something it would have made me feel awkward, since I'd spent so much time in there. 

After that, I got the grand idea that I'd find Helaman Halls and go say hi to Megan Nield, who I knew was a Conference Assistant for the summer and working there.  I wandered, and ended up at Heritage Halls.  A nice girl told me where to go while walking to her job in the ASB.  So, I wandered for ten more minutes and ended up at the Cannon Center.  There, I slowly wandered over to where it said something like Education Week Registration.  I figured I'd head that way, because it seemed like something that Megan's job would require her to do.  Instead of finding Megan, I found a guy in a green shirt.  His name is Blake Fisher, and I read his blog.  My first sentences spoken to him were, "I know you. You don't know me, but I know you.  I read your blog."  He smiled and told me that he often feels embarrassed by what he puts on his blog, but he'd rather have people reading it than write in a journal where he knows no one will read his story.  Blake has a good smile; if I were better at reading people, I might go as far to say as I embarrassed him a little by bringing up his blog.  Still, good smile either way.  We talked for a minute or so, and then he had to get back to work.  Neither of us knew where Megan was, so I left.  

I drove home without event after that, and went to cooking dinner.  I have been craving chinese food for a long while now, and so having stir fry for dinner was perfect.  Then I went to Missionary Council.  We split up into groups, and Ryan Taylor and I got to go out visiting together.  Our luck was terrible.  The people we caught were married already, so we couldn't really invite them out to the YSA ward for church, and nobody else we could have invited was home.  Still, I didn't mind so much, because I was with someone I like to be around.  Also, it was nice to have my car door opened for me every time I went to get in it.  I'm really going to miss that.  

When I got home Megan Moulding and I had strawberry banana orange juice smoothies and watched an episode of Bones.  It's always nice to end the day with your best friend and your favorite television series.  So, even though days can be busy and full of wasteful driving time, they can still be great.  If every day were like today, I would be perfectly content with life.

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