Friday, November 18, 2011

Stand Up Against Hate

I grabbed a school newspaper yesterday to read about the new Natural History Museum, but as I turned the page to finish the article, I came across this.

It made me sick then, and it makes me sick now.  The last part is what really gets me.  If you're against LGBT hate like this, stand up against it.  I mean, do we really want to condone the words "Just as if we wouldn't want a child to grow up with a prostitute for a mother or a serial killer for a father, we shouldn't accept a lesbian, gay, or transgender parental model for young people"?  I sure won't just breeze past them.

Some of the kindest, best people I know are gay.  I would be happy to hear that they were parents.

Taylor Petty also states that "We must avoid, at all costs, letting children grow up in a home where horrible sins are modeled as acceptable."  By horrible sins Petty strictly means breaking the law of chastity.  If Petty is going to make that argument, Petty might as well start calling to take more than half the children of the world away from their parents.  Most people in the world today can say they've had sex out of wedlock, which is considered breaking the law of chastity.  

What Taylor petty has written is deplorable, but it is even more deplorable that a newspaper would choose to print this hate, especially my campus newspaper.  I am calling for a formal apology from the newspaper for this terrible choice that they've made.  I can accept that the Daily Universe is a very right wing, conservative newspaper, and chooses to print very conservative content.  However, there's a a large difference between conservatism and hate.  

The above letter is hate, and should not have been printed.  

Sure, there's some LGBT hate everywhere, but that doesn't mean newspapers should print it.  Printing such hate only encourages people to revile and bash people in the LGBT community.

If you're against what the Daily Universe did, as I am, then take a stand and let them know exactly what you think of their reprehensible choice to print this hate letter.



    This link is to a post I thought was great about this issue.

  2. This letter disgusts me. I am a graduate of BYU. I am straight. But the hate in this letter wreaks of bigotry and ignorance. It's sad that as Mormons we yearn for people to understand us...we say that we are persecuted for our beliefs...and then we do this. The author of this article does not speak for me.

    Apparently they also don't speak for the Daily Universe and the Church. It's sad this article ever got through. The Daily Universe published this retraction and apology:

  3. I'm interested what the two articles Petty mentioned were like. Were they more understanding towards the topic?

    I'm sad that they printed this article at all, but I am glad to know they did apologize.

  4. If you go to you can look up the articles he mentions.
