Thursday, August 26, 2010

Don't Ever Look Back

It's hard to explain how I feel sometimes.  Days like today are the worst.  I see happy couples, most my friends, and I just want to run up and tell them to just give up because it isn't going to last anyway.  A small part of me comes out every now and then that wants at least someone to go through what I did, so that they can feel the same way I do.  It is one of the worst things to want in the world, and I know it.

Then I think of what I could have, and don't ever think I will obtain, and get upset.  It is more a deep pain and sadness than it is anger.  I feel like my heart is in my stomach and going to burst at the same moment.  Those moments last a long time, depending on who I'm around.  What I really miss is the simple things: a hug from a man who I know cares about me, a soft kiss, listening to a quiet voice tell me something that it has never said to anyone else.  Mainly, I want to know that there is one guy, not a family member, who really would do anything for me.

Lately there have been a lot of love songs on the radio, too.  This hasn't helped my mood. At first I really like them all, and then I think that I don't have anyone to share them with.  That's when I get upset.  I think I may have cried three times today, and surprised myself each time.  Two of the three times were in the car during a song, and the other was while I was watching The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe.  I must enjoy the torture somewhat, though, because I just keep listening to the radio.

This is the song that caught me off guard.

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