Friday, April 27, 2012

Skateboard Jousting

This is the type of stuff we get up to in college when we have too much time on our hands. We made this for a big activity/competition thing between the FHE groups.

Friday, April 20, 2012

It All Made Sense at Denny's

Went to Denny's with the group after blues. Sat next to Nathan and Hailey. Hailey ended up moving over to accommodate other people (there were like fourteen people there). Laughed and talked with a tired, dance-drunk Nathan. Almost fell asleep on his shoulder. We order nearly the same thing: same drink, same entree, but different kinds of eggs and pancakes. Laugh, giggle, tired, time to go. Tabs come out.

Waitress: Are you two together?
Me: Huh? Us?
Waitress: Yeah.
Me: No.
Waitress: Oh. Let me go split your tab then.
Me: You hear that Nathan? You should feel proud and complimented. Just one night and they think we're together!
Nathan: What?
Me: They had to go split our tab. They thought we were together.
Nathan: Haha. That's awesome. We're just cool like that.
Hailey: You two just have that happy glow.

Methinks the start of some awesome friendships. Hooked on blues. Hooked on blues bad. Late night Denny's is just a bonus. Nathan's leaving after tonight and won't be back until August. If I'm not there when he comes back, he says he's going to "look me down and hunt me up." Yeah, we were tired. It all made sense at Denny's.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Twist and Shout

This is for all you people who have been so caught up in finals that you don't think you've seen anything good in the past few days.

Now, you have at least seen something good this week. Don't thank me, thank Ferris.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Trip to My Musical Past

I decided to create a Christina Aguilera channel on my Pandora. I didn't know exactly what I'd be getting, but after I disliked the Brittany Spears, Pandora started playing a bunch of really good music from my past. A bunch of R&B music that I listened to growing up. I know that a lot of my friends didn't listen to this stuff, but some of my best memories are listening to R&B and rap in the car with my cousins. We usually listened to Usher, Nelly, and Eminem*. Of course I listened to Christina Aguilera. I also listened to Samantha Mumba. She isn't even in the music business now, but I really love this song that she sings.

It makes me feel great inside. And I really do miss this decade of music. I find myself going back to it almost as often as I go back to the Frank Sinatra and saloon song era. Why? Because things like R&B Country crossovers happened back then.

Why? Because the music was less electronic and had more variety. I'm not saying there weren't electronic sounds incorporated, but it didn't rely completely on synthesizers and such to get the sound. The tunes are just so much catchier to me because of that.

Why? Because it is my decade of music, full of Jesse McCartney, Justin Timberlake, Nelly, Usher, Chamillionaire, Eminem, Beyonce, Missy Eliot, Pink, Lil Kim, T-Pain, 50 Cent, and Christina Aguilera, to name a few. 

Don't get me wrong, I listened to a lot of alternative rock and country as well, but there will always be a special place in my heart for this kind of music.

* And yes, I did leave out a song by Eminem in this post because of all the artists I listen to, I realize most people are uncomfortable with Eminem's music, and I have to be in a very specific mood to play Eminem. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

One Person

I've had a really huge range of emotions that I've swung back and forth through this past week. I think it has a lot to do with me brooding over not being able to get a date. And I'm not talking about a serious "I really like you and want you to be my boyfriend" type of date. I'm just talking about going out with a guy as friends.

I realize that I shouldn't be upset over it, and I get over it and get really happy. And then I think how fun it would be if I had a guy friend that wanted to go dancing with me on Thursday nights, and I get upset again. What is so wrong with me that I can't even have a guy go out with me as a friend to have fun?

I've asked myself that a lot lately.

For awhile I thought it was because I just didn't make myself available to do things, so I made myself more available. Then when nothing happened I thought it was because I wasn't outgoing enough, so I tried to be more outgoing. And then when nothing happened I thought that I just needed to ask guys to do stuff with me every now and then, so I did. And every guy tells me no. Something must be seriously wrong with me; that's my next thought.

It really comes down to finding one person that wants to go do things with me. And I really hate that it is one person that can make a difference for better or for worse. My friend James posted this on his facebook, and I thought it seemed appropriate.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Only Physics I Want

After this semester is over, the only time I want to listen to anything to do with physics is when I'm watching The Big Bang Theory. Wish me luck to make it through these next two weeks with final projects and finals. Right now I'm probably attached to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis.