Monday, December 30, 2013

Year-End Goal Review

I did a lot this year. I didn't succeed at everything, but I learned a lot of life lessons. And without further ado, I'm going to post my goals for 2013 for the last time. Next month I may set new ones, since for a few years now this has been a successful venture.

1. Exercise at least once a week outside of dancing.

This didn't go over so well. However, I did exercise today, and I was thinking that now that I have easy access to an elliptical and stationary bike and weight system, this might be easier for me to do.

2. Read one book a month outside of required reading.

I lost track of what I read, but I know I made the goal.

3. Get all my great works papers written.

4. Save around $50 a month.

I've tried to be really good at this. I think I mostly succeeded.

5. Get my Honors Thesis written.

This was possibly the hardest thing I did all year. But it's done, and it is published. 

6. Graduate.

So nice to be done.

7. Get an internship.

The internship will most likely turn into a job. I'm interning with Jolly Fish Press, a national publishing house based out of Provo, but with a virtual office so I can work anywhere!

8. Get an editing job.

Did that.

9. Apply for Grad school.

Done and done! This was only slightly frustrating.

10. Cook 10 new things.

Probably did it. Didn't keep track of new things cooked.

11. Have at least a 3.59 GPA by graduation.

3.6 final GPA!

12. Crochet something new.

Plenty of new things, including a shawl, minion hats, and a cardigan in the works.

13. Take a recreation class.

meh . . .

14. Eat out less.

If we don't count late night Denny's runs.

15. Manage my time better.

Mostly good.

16. Read the New York Times at least twice a week.

Like I said, the Guardian.

17. Go to at least two dance conventions.

Still going strong. Denver Fusion Exchange in January!

18. Index at least 200 names.


19. Scrapbook at least 10 pages.

No excuse. I made cards.

20. Make handmade cards for all the major holidays.

Goal accomplished! So much fun.

21. Do something I've never done before.

Plenty. I named some in my previous post, but I'd like to add to the list becoming a DJ for west coast swing and blues dancers. I never would have ever thought I'd do that in my lifetime.

So, total: 17/21

That's proof enough for me that writing my goals down and keeping a monthly account of my progress works for most things I plan to do. I think that I'll probably change certain goals in my next year depending on if and where I get into graduate school. 

Here's to a fabulous year, and a fantastic year to come!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Finally Some Progress!

So, I'm really doing well on achieving my goals this year. And that feels pretty darn fantastic. Right now I stand at four failed goals out of twenty-one. So that's 17/21. That's 80 percent success!

1. Exercise at least once a week outside of dancing.


2. Read one book a month outside of required reading.

I've been so enjoying literature.

3. Get all my great works papers written.

Like I said before: five stars!

4. Save around $50 a month.

I was able to save a lot of money last month.

5. Get my Honors Thesis written.

Honors thesis defended and passed! Now to publish.

6. Graduate.

As long as I don't fail, this is happening, people!

7. Get an internship.

I heard back. Trying to set up an interview.

8. Get an editing job.

I love freelancing!

9. Apply for Grad school.

I only have to wait for my GRE writing score, and then all my applications can be submitted. And that's both a relief and a worry. Now I'll have to see if I get in!

10. Cook 10 new things.

I'm going to really enjoy cooking more now as my time has freed up a little bit.

11. Have at least a 3.59 GPA by graduation.

I've reached this goal, and so I just have to get good grades this semester to keep it.

12. Crochet something new.

I'm working on a cardigan now, and I plan to make minion hats for my cousin's kids.

13. Take a recreation class.


14. Eat out less.

I've been pretty good at this.

15. Manage my time better.

If I didn't know how to do this, my life would have fallen apart last month.

16. Read the New York Times at least twice a week.

Well, does the Guardian count?

17. Go to at least two dance conventions.

I think I've been to four this year. The problem? I want to go to more conventions, but school is getting in the way!

18. Index at least 200 names.


19. Scrapbook at least 10 pages.


20. Make handmade cards for all the major holidays.

On to Thanksgiving cards!

21. Do something I've never done before.

Well, I've never defended a thesis before, taken the GRE, made finals in an advanced blues comp . . . I'd say this year is full of firsts.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Goals Update . . . Long Overdue

I decided that, on this, my birthday, I would look at how well I've done on my goals. I think I've done decently!

1. Exercise at least once a week outside of dancing.

I haven't really done this. I suppose it's never too late to start, but sometimes it seems a little futile.

2. Read one book a month outside of required reading.

I've been in and out on this. Some of the books that I am required to read, such as Their Eyes Were Watching God, were on my "to read" list anyway, so I feel like I want to double count some books. Is that fair?

3. Get all my great works papers written.

My honors portfolio has been submitted and passed!

4. Save around $50 a month.

I've been really good at making sure I do this.

5. Get my Honors Thesis written.

I defend my thesis in two weeks!

6. Graduate.

If all goes as planned, this happens in December.

7. Get an internship.

I've applied for an internship, but haven't heard back.

8. Get an editing job.

I have three editing jobs right now, and that feels great.

9. Apply for Grad school.

In the throes. I need to take the GRE. Yikes!

10. Cook 10 new things.

I'm pretty sure I've done this. The last new thing I made was Caribbean rice.

11. Have at least a 3.59 GPA by graduation.

It will actually be difficult to get this, but I should only be one or two hundredths of a point short.

12. Crochet something new.

I've been enjoying crocheting for awhile now. Over the summer I crocheted a shawl, and I'm making a shirt now.

13. Take a recreation class.

I bailed out on this . . . yeah yeah, I know.

14. Eat out less.

I've been pretty good about this, minus late night Denny's runs.

15. Manage my time better.

I think that finishing my thesis and work forced me to manage time a lot better.

16. Read the New York Times at least twice a week.

I was good at this for awhile, but not so much lately. I do read a bit of news online, but I could be better.

17. Go to at least two dance conventions.

Nocturne Blues, Sweet Molasses Blues, and I'll be going to the Denver Fusion Exchange in January.

18. Index at least 200 names.

Haven't even started (face of shame).

19. Scrapbook at least 10 pages.

Haven't even started . . . (more shame).

20. Make handmade cards for all the major holidays.

I made lots of Halloween cards! Maybe pictures later?

21. Do something I've never done before.

I think I want to 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Tot Mai Sus

James Cook introduced me to this song a couple months back, and it's been stuck in my head for the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

David Tennant and His Socks

Oh my . . . Just discovered that David Tennant is the real life Sheldon Cooper when it comes to clothes. Certain socks can only be worn on the day that's printed on them. Dear Lord, why does that make him more sexy?

Good old Graham Norton!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Doctor: "You need to start trusting me; it's never been more important. "
Amy: "But you don't always tell me the truth."
Doctor "If I always told you the truth I wouldn't need you to trust me."
~Flesh and Stone

Never looked at trust that way.

Mind blown.

Philosophy and beliefs revolutionized.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Giving a Song a Second Chance

So, I never liked Outkast, and this song always really annoyed me. But I think that's because I never properly heard the lyrics. I still don't like Outkast's version. I think that they don't do the lyrics justice. I mean, how is a fast song fit for this set of lyrics?

We get together
Oh, we get together
But separate's always better when there's feelings involved
If what they say is "nothing is forever"
Then what makes, then what makes, then what makes
Then what makes, what makes, what makes love the exception
So why oh, why oh, why oh, why oh
Why are we so in denial
When we know we're not happy here?

So when my friend Jeremy introduced me to this version of the song, I was a little skeptical at first. I don't like the song.

But I was won over about thirty seconds into the song. The tempo is right, the mood is right, everything is right about this song.

Also, I've thought about those lyrics that I copied down for this post, and you know what? I think I agree. Love, it doesn't last forever, at least not in the way we'd like it to.

And I'd never have had time to think about those lyrics if it weren't for this cover.

So thanks, Jeremy, for introducing me to something really good.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Hardest Part of Life

Because large groups are scary, new people are scary, relationships are scary, small groups are a little less scary, talking with people is scary . . . all the things are scary.

But yay for dancing!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Opinion

Every time I let someone know my opinion when I know they won't like it, and then they don't like it, I feel this way:

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

If You Come Over

You've probably been greeted by me like this:

Don't take it personal. I say that to everyone.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Blog

I've converted to Wordpress. It may not last. But I had to have an account for a class, so I figured I'd create my own blog devoted to me and my dancing antics/adventures/stories while I was at it. I will probably still post goal updates and stuff on this blog, but I'll definitely be featuring my other stuff on my Wordpress. It has quite a few great options for posts.

Interested? Here's the link.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Goals Update April 2013

I didn't do as much this month, but I did do some things. And this month was the last month of school, so my focus was really on that.

2. I read The Spirit War by Rachel Aaron. The Eli Monpress series is a great quick, fun read if you're looking to relax and enjoy a good book.

4. Rough month for money. I bought my ticket to Nocturne Blues and my ticket to Sweet Molasses Blues, so that definitely put a dent in things, but then I had some unexpected expenses as well, like a parking ticket . . .

5. My research for my honors thesis is done. Now to get to writing.

11. I should have jumped my grade average quite a bit because I got all As and A minuses in my classes this semester. All the grades havent been posted yet, but I'd guess that my grade point average should be between a 3.55 and a 3.57. I'm hoping for the higher end.

12. I crocheted a couple of rugs, and I made two belts.

13. I registered for a volleyball class in the fall. We'll see if I decide to keep it in my schedule.

16. I haven't read the New York Times twice a week, but I did spend quite a bit of time on the BBC Arabic news site so I could practice my reading skills. I got to read about what was going on in a different language, and that was cool, so I'm counting it.

20. I made cards for Easter. Fun stuff.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Goals Update March 2013

So, here goes nothing. I did stuff this time!

2. I read Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. Fantastic read if your looking for something fun or if you're looking for something deep. Great commentary on religion if you choose to read it that way.

4. I technically met my savings goal, but then I pulled it out of savings to go to Mile High Blues in Denver. Totally worth it, and what I've been saving for anyway.

5. Got more research done for my thesis. Hope to really get into the meat of this next month.

8. I got a job in acquisitions with Covenant Communications, Inc.

11. I jumped my grade point average a bit after getting an A in my psychology course.

12. I found this pattern for a crocheted belt that I'm going to try out next month.

17. I went to Mile High Blues, and I just paid to go to Swing Diego.

20. I made cards for St. Patrick's Day. I didn't send them all out, though. I guess next year?

Monday, March 11, 2013

What Do You Think?

Love seeketh not itself to please,
Not for itself hath any care,
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a heaven in hell's despair.

Love seeketh only self to please,
To bind another to its delight,
Joys in another's loss of ease,
And builds a hell in heaven's despise.

—W. Blake: Songs of Experience

I read this in the book Middlemarch, and couldn't help but think of a comment one of my friends made back in December when we were listening to "All I Want For Christmas Is You." He said, "Love is so selfish. That's really what it is. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

I didn't know exactly what I thought of that. I still don't. I fear that all I do is take from the ones that I love. That I unintentionally hurt them by my actions, thoughts, and words. It seems to me that it is always the case that one person benefits more from love than another, or at least in different ways.

My friend Nathan has an exact opposite view of love. He told me about this song the other day, and it's stuck with me.

Love is something if you give it away, 
Give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away,
You end up having more.

It's just like a magic penny,
Hold it tight and you won't have any.
Lend it, spend it, and you'll have so many
They'll roll all over the floor.

For love is something if you give it away,
Give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away,
You end up having more.

—Malvina Reynolds "Magic Penny"

Does loving fully fall somewhere in the middle, do you think? I'm an idealist at heart, outwardly a cynic. So I think I would really like to believe love falls somewhere in the middle for everyone, for every kind of love.

Just musing, and wondering what you wonderful people think.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Where the Romantic and Practical Meet

Young Noah: You're bored Allie. You're bored and you know it. You wouldn't be here if there wasn't something missing. 
Young Allie: You arrogant son of a bitch. 
Young Noah: Would you just stay with me? 
Young Allie: Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we're already fightin'. 
Young Noah: Well that's what we do, we fight... You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing. 
Young Allie: So what? 
Young Noah: So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out. 
Young Allie: What easy way? There is no easy way, no matter what I do, somebody gets hurt. 
Young Noah: Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants? Stop thinking about what I want, what he wants, what your parents want. What do YOU want? What do you WANT? 
Young Allie: It's not that simple. 
Young Noah: What... do... you... want? Whaddaya want? 

This is one time the practical part of me appreciates the little bit of romantic in me. All because Noah says, "It's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you."

I'm not saying that people in love have to fight all the time, but I'm certain that people in love don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, and that causes a lot of disagreements. I'm saying that love isn't always happiness. There are a lot of rough spots. I told this to my friend Megan: love has to do with mutual respect and helping each other learn about life, about helping each other become better individuals. And that's hard. People in love fight all the time. It's not easy. It's not about money or careers; it's about finding someone whose character you like, and deciding to tough it out through thick and thin with them. It doesn't have to last forever, but we're meant to learn from it.

This isn't my complete idea of love, it's just scratching the surface of my idea. It may not be an elegant, an experienced, or even a right idea of what love is, but it's a start at what my idea of love is. It will change with time, I'm sure, but I will never believe that real love is purely physical, and I will never believe that it's all about beauty.

Goals Update February 2013

It's that time again. I don't think that it's going as well as I'd like to believe.

1. I really need to get a gym membership to 24 hour fitness or something if I'm going to get this goal off the ground. Dancing is generally the only exercise I do outside of walking all over campus.

2. I read Armageddon in Retrospect by Kurt Vonnegut. Great book.

4. I met my savings goal again!

5. I got the first ten pages of my honors thesis written.

20. I made cards for Valentines Day. And I'm ending on this goal because the other ones are either in progress or aren't happening until later.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Something You Should Know

So many people that want so much of my time.

I'm not an extrovert.
I'm an introvert.

I know that I can be smiley and talkative and interactive at dances, but that doesn't mean I'm extroverted. Quite the contrary: if I want human interaction, I go and find it. If I don't, well, quit contacting me every day!

I realize that most of you who read this already know this about me, but on the off chance someone who tries to contact me every day after seeing me at dance, please stop!

No, I'm not upset.
No, I'm not losing it.
No, something isn't wrong.

I'm simply me.

This means that I want to spend large amounts of my time alone, not contacting anyone.

In other words, this means I want to get some work done and do my own thing.

I'll contact you if there's something to talk about.

Not that this means that I don't enjoy it when someone randomly calls me up (like Kestin does [onsecondthoughtheonlydoesthataboutonceeverysixmonthssothismaynotcount]) or texts me. It simply means that I am not one of those people who craves human contact all the time.

Especially not when I've got a lot of creative things to do.

And when people keep asking me, "Are you okay? What's wrong? You seem, cross, what's up?" it gets on my nerves.

So yes, I'm annoyed, but not for the reason you think. I'm annoyed because you keep asking me if I am. If I tell you I'm fine, I mean it, okay???!!!!

I make a point not to say things I don't mean.

I hope this clears things up for those of you who want to spend time with me. You may think it's a small amount of time because you are so accustomed to hanging out with people and talking to people you care about multiple times a week. I am not accustomed to that much contact, and I have no desire to become accustomed to this.

I appreciate your understanding.

Rant over.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Same Love

I'll let this speak for itself.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Filling Life with Warmth

That unexpected long conversation—the moment you realize that you were missing something simple and your closest friend filled a hole in your life.

It's not a monumentous occasion, but something that clears your head, something that helps you put your priorities straight, helps remind you that there are things important in your life that you'd forgotten.

It makes you smile, makes you connect with another human being on the planet when you've been swimming in a torrential sea.

That instant when you realize that life is going to be okay—someone is there for you when you really need a lift.

The hope to continue on—in return for some sugar cookies, that's what I received tonight.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Blues Bombing a Talent Show

So, I'm posting this on my blog instead of on facebook for several reasons. One, I don't post on here as often as I should. Two, there's a mix of talking and dancing. Three, I figure that only the people really interested in watching me and Griffin dance will take the trouble to come here, so that gets rid of space off of everyone's news feed, I think.

Another hidden reason is that I was really nervous performing in front of everyone, so I didn't do quite as well as I would have liked. But Griffin, bless his heart, made up for it. It was lots of fun. There wasn't a lot of room to dance, so we didn't really do any ballrooming blues. But Griffin's got style.

Anyone who dances blues can probably see the struggle for proper connection for the first little bit. My faltering footwork especially shows that. However, as we got going, I loosened up a bit.

Also, Griffin and I both talk with our hands.

I wish I didn't trace my hair so much when I dance.

Best part of the night: Griffin's hat movement and my 'hide half my face with my hand' maneuver.

Overall, a great night to introduce the blues to a whole bunch of people who had never seen it before.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Merry Go Round

If you ain't got two kids by twenty-one you're probably gonna die alone. At least that's what tradition told you. And it don't matter if you don't believe, come Sunday morning you'd best be there in the front row like you're supposed to.

Jack and Jill went up the hill. Jack burned out on booze and pills. Mary had a little lamb. Mary just don't give a damn no more.

There's a spot in my heart for those lines in this song.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Come Together

Quite possibly my favorite version of this song, even though it's a cover.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Goals Update January 2013

So, I realize that it isn't quite the end of January, but I don't think I'll have much time to update my blog in the next couple weeks, I have so much stuff going on. Here goes nothing.

I haven't exercised outside of dancing, but I hope to be better at this goal next month.

I read Dreamspinner by Lynn Kurland.

I've been too focused on getting my honors thesis proposal rewritten, I haven't done any great works papers. It'll happen, though.

My honors thesis proposal got accepted, and so now I'm gearing up to write the thesis. It's really happening!

I'm making a trivet out of pop bottle caps (you know, the ones that come off the glass bottles) and crocheted covers. Should be an adventure. Pictures to come.

I made Shawarma, and me and Nathan are going to start this thing where I surprise him with what I cook when I want to cook something new, so then I don't have tons of leftovers.

I went to LVFX and had a blast, and I bought my ticket to go to Mile High Blues in March.

Considering how much I ate out last semester, this month I've been fantastic with not eating out as much.

I've picked up a copy of the New York Times about four times a week this entire month. Not bad.

I have a friend who still owes me money for the hotel room at LVFX, so if I get that, I should be able to save about $50. It would be nice if I did because that would mean that I get to put that toward Mile High Blues hotel, food, or whatever.

So, I got lots accomplished. This is amazing to me, considering all that's gone on this month. If I've seemed completely distant, sorry. My Grandpa June almost died in the hospital the second week of the month, now he's paralyzed from the waist down, my brand new computer broke, my honors thesis proposal was rejected, and then the next week I had a relationship go downhill, I didn't get a job I wanted, I had a professor who wouldn't give me extra time to do work so I could help my family in this sad time, and then this last Tuesday my Grandma Vickie (Grandpa June's wife) was admitted to the ICU with bacterial spinal meningitis.

Yeah, that was my month. The highlight is simply that my thesis proposal got accepted yesterday. Well, and LVFX. But I don't think those two things necessarily outweigh all the other stuff. It's thrown off my schedule to be done with my Psychology course by the end of the month. I got all the coursework done, but I still need to take the final. Oh well, maybe on Sunday I'll study like crazy for it and take the test next week. Or the first week of February. I keep telling myself I have time. One step at a time. Nathan tells me that next month will be better.

Friday, January 18, 2013


So, I'm usually not the kind of person that says, "Oh, you have to listen to this Taylor Swift song; it's so good!" But there are a couple songs off of her newest album that I really do love. I went from reluctant to listen . . .  to ooh, I wish Spotify would get this album!

LVFX 2013

Blues dancing is one of my favorite things to do in the world. The connection with your partner is amazing, and you can dance to so many different types of music! If I could, I would spend my whole life going around the world blues dancing.

In other words, Vegas was awesome, and it renewed a love of blues that I thought I'd lost. I met and danced with a lot of new people, learned a lot, and had a blast. That's what it's all about, right?

Thursday night Nathan and I wandered the strip (M&Ms Store!), rode the roller coaster at New York New York, saw Claes Oldenburg's Typewriter Eraser sculpture, and got to know each other better.

Friday was filled with classes, and I went to bed early (like just after midnight, I think) so I could make classes on Saturday. 

Saturday night was Glam Noir night, and it was fantastic. I swear someone got an amazing shot of Nathan and me, but I don't know if or when it will be posted on facebook. 

Sunday was more classes and a great night out at the Red Square with new people, and some great dances.

We roomed with this guy from Sri Lanka, named Radhika Ranaweera (aka Rad). The final night there, Nathan did an Elmo impression for Rad, and he just couldn't keep a straight face. His reaction caused me to fall into a fit of nigh unstoppable laughter. 

This video is from a choreography class me, Nathan, Amie, and Kember took. Joe DeMers and Mike the Girl taught it.

I can't wait to go to Mile High Blues in March!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions 2013

1. Exercise at least once a week outside of dancing.

2. Read one book a month outside of required reading.

3. Get all my great works papers written.

4. Save around $50 a month.

5. Get my Honors Thesis written.

6. Graduate.

7. Get an internship.

8. Get an editing job.

9. Apply for Grad school.

10. Cook 10 new things.

11. Have at least a 3.59 GPA by graduation.

12. Crochet something new.

13. Take a recreation class.

14. Eat out less.

15. Manage my time better.

16. Read the New York Times at least twice a week.

17. Go to at least two dance conventions.

18. Index at least 200 names.

19. Scrapbook at least 10 pages.

20. Make handmade cards for all the major holidays.

21. Do something I've never done before.

I hope to do some monthly updates this year. We'll see how things go. If I do things right, I should have most of these goals accomplished by the end of the year.