Monday, January 28, 2013

Come Together

Quite possibly my favorite version of this song, even though it's a cover.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Goals Update January 2013

So, I realize that it isn't quite the end of January, but I don't think I'll have much time to update my blog in the next couple weeks, I have so much stuff going on. Here goes nothing.

I haven't exercised outside of dancing, but I hope to be better at this goal next month.

I read Dreamspinner by Lynn Kurland.

I've been too focused on getting my honors thesis proposal rewritten, I haven't done any great works papers. It'll happen, though.

My honors thesis proposal got accepted, and so now I'm gearing up to write the thesis. It's really happening!

I'm making a trivet out of pop bottle caps (you know, the ones that come off the glass bottles) and crocheted covers. Should be an adventure. Pictures to come.

I made Shawarma, and me and Nathan are going to start this thing where I surprise him with what I cook when I want to cook something new, so then I don't have tons of leftovers.

I went to LVFX and had a blast, and I bought my ticket to go to Mile High Blues in March.

Considering how much I ate out last semester, this month I've been fantastic with not eating out as much.

I've picked up a copy of the New York Times about four times a week this entire month. Not bad.

I have a friend who still owes me money for the hotel room at LVFX, so if I get that, I should be able to save about $50. It would be nice if I did because that would mean that I get to put that toward Mile High Blues hotel, food, or whatever.

So, I got lots accomplished. This is amazing to me, considering all that's gone on this month. If I've seemed completely distant, sorry. My Grandpa June almost died in the hospital the second week of the month, now he's paralyzed from the waist down, my brand new computer broke, my honors thesis proposal was rejected, and then the next week I had a relationship go downhill, I didn't get a job I wanted, I had a professor who wouldn't give me extra time to do work so I could help my family in this sad time, and then this last Tuesday my Grandma Vickie (Grandpa June's wife) was admitted to the ICU with bacterial spinal meningitis.

Yeah, that was my month. The highlight is simply that my thesis proposal got accepted yesterday. Well, and LVFX. But I don't think those two things necessarily outweigh all the other stuff. It's thrown off my schedule to be done with my Psychology course by the end of the month. I got all the coursework done, but I still need to take the final. Oh well, maybe on Sunday I'll study like crazy for it and take the test next week. Or the first week of February. I keep telling myself I have time. One step at a time. Nathan tells me that next month will be better.

Friday, January 18, 2013


So, I'm usually not the kind of person that says, "Oh, you have to listen to this Taylor Swift song; it's so good!" But there are a couple songs off of her newest album that I really do love. I went from reluctant to listen . . .  to ooh, I wish Spotify would get this album!

LVFX 2013

Blues dancing is one of my favorite things to do in the world. The connection with your partner is amazing, and you can dance to so many different types of music! If I could, I would spend my whole life going around the world blues dancing.

In other words, Vegas was awesome, and it renewed a love of blues that I thought I'd lost. I met and danced with a lot of new people, learned a lot, and had a blast. That's what it's all about, right?

Thursday night Nathan and I wandered the strip (M&Ms Store!), rode the roller coaster at New York New York, saw Claes Oldenburg's Typewriter Eraser sculpture, and got to know each other better.

Friday was filled with classes, and I went to bed early (like just after midnight, I think) so I could make classes on Saturday. 

Saturday night was Glam Noir night, and it was fantastic. I swear someone got an amazing shot of Nathan and me, but I don't know if or when it will be posted on facebook. 

Sunday was more classes and a great night out at the Red Square with new people, and some great dances.

We roomed with this guy from Sri Lanka, named Radhika Ranaweera (aka Rad). The final night there, Nathan did an Elmo impression for Rad, and he just couldn't keep a straight face. His reaction caused me to fall into a fit of nigh unstoppable laughter. 

This video is from a choreography class me, Nathan, Amie, and Kember took. Joe DeMers and Mike the Girl taught it.

I can't wait to go to Mile High Blues in March!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions 2013

1. Exercise at least once a week outside of dancing.

2. Read one book a month outside of required reading.

3. Get all my great works papers written.

4. Save around $50 a month.

5. Get my Honors Thesis written.

6. Graduate.

7. Get an internship.

8. Get an editing job.

9. Apply for Grad school.

10. Cook 10 new things.

11. Have at least a 3.59 GPA by graduation.

12. Crochet something new.

13. Take a recreation class.

14. Eat out less.

15. Manage my time better.

16. Read the New York Times at least twice a week.

17. Go to at least two dance conventions.

18. Index at least 200 names.

19. Scrapbook at least 10 pages.

20. Make handmade cards for all the major holidays.

21. Do something I've never done before.

I hope to do some monthly updates this year. We'll see how things go. If I do things right, I should have most of these goals accomplished by the end of the year.