Saturday, August 7, 2010

And Life Presses On

Today has been a lot better so far, even with a toddler to tend.  My mom's trying to get her to take a nap now, and I'm trying to get my cat to sleep in the other room.  My job seems considerably easier, although I will admit that he is very similar to taking care of a baby, as he wakes me up at all hours of the night asking for drinks, to play, and yummy treats.  He's petrified of the toddler, and I think that has a lot to do with where I bought him from.  The lady that I purchased him from ran a daycare from out of her house. 

Anyways, my cousin's daughter calls me mom.  I have no clue why, because we don't look alike.  Maybe we sound alike.  It really doesn't matter, I guess, because I will still be happy to give her back to her mother.  Tajsha has this terrible hitting habit when she doesn't want to do something.  I didn't spank her when she hit me and grabbed my skin on my face, but I did grab her arms and tell her no.  The tyke is so intelligent she's going to be a handful when she gets older---she's a handful now.

1 comment:

  1. After spending several days with a 3 and 6 year old, I feel your pain. The 6 year old gets violent, and it is hard to get really mad when he would hit. Hopefully things got easier!
