Thursday, July 8, 2010

Random Thoughts

When I was in the airport shuttle headed back from Disneyland for the return to Utah, there were a bunch of kids in back playing I Spy. A young girl said, "I spy something brown... uh... or orange. It could be either. I can't tell!" The kids commenced guessing, and it ended up being my hair. So, supposedly I have orange hair.

Yesterday, when I was waiting to be called back for my MRI, I decided to calculate the approximate number of white dots within a certain area of the carpet. I calculated that within an approximate four inch square of carpet there were 54 dots, the ones length-wise containing one more dot than the ones width-wise because of the closeness of the dots going down. Having calculated this, I broke my area down into 20 squares wide and 48 squares long, making the area 192" by 80." After finishing everything up, I estimated that within that area there were 51,840* white dots. Quite a bit, huh?

*Note that when I did this in the room I miscalculated the square by 1 inch the first time, so my initial number was 58,320. Then I looked closer and used the part of your index finger that always equals one inch to calculate where 54 dots in a square would be. It turned out to be 4 inches, so I had to redo everything. This took about fifteen minutes in total, and then I had to check my math on a piece of paper when I got in the car to make sure I did everything right. I can do this, but not a regular stupid math problem. Anyone see the irony?

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