Sunday, July 25, 2010

Angry Moment

So, I hate it when my brother makes me a liar.*  He's on the activities council on the stake level for our YSA ward, and he kept telling me that things were a mess and we get the toughest jobs because nobody communicates anything to us.  He told me we had way too much fruit for the breakfast on the 24th, that the activity was announced an hour late in every ward in the stake for monday, and that nobody takes into consideration how things should be organized to make things more efficient.

When I was talking to my grandparents not ten minutes ago and we were making small talk, I mentioned some of these things when we were talking about the new YSA Stake getting on its feet and running.  Well, when I was talking my Dad came down to talk, and I know he heard some of what I was saying.  After they left I got talking with my Dad, and I know he was disappointed in me.  Why?  My brother had exaggerated/lied to me about EVERYTHING.  Essentially, everything that came out of my mouth was a lie, even though I didn't know it at the time.  It's times like this that I really loathe my brother.  He exaggerates/lies to make things seem more dramatic or exciting, and then wonders why people don't just know he's exaggerating/lying to make a point.  I hate to tell you Dylan, but that makes you look bad, because it means no one can trust what you say, and it makes me look bad because I TRUSTED you to tell me the truth.

It's times like this that make me realize why I am having a hard time being tolerant of anyone.  Nearly everyone around me that were my friends in the past are complete liars and manipulators, and I'm sick of it.  Tell the truth, don't exaggerate, and don't just tell part of the truth, tell the WHOLE story, or you can just forget about talking to me.  If you want my advice, listen to it.  Don't go asking me for it and then get angry when I call the kettle black.  I'm sick of people hanging around me just because my family has some money.  Sorry to tell people this, but it's pretty obvious to me when you try to be my friend just for my money.  I don't have thousands or even hundreds of dollars to spare on my friends, and neither does my dad.  Being a friend means being there no matter what social status someone is at in their life.  Really, I don't know a single person that I could call a friend who has a terrible, destitute life, so nobody should be coming to me with sob stories about how my family is rich and should give them money/pay their bills.**

After being married and divorced within a year, I have come to learn what true friendship is, and that it is based on honesty and trust.  I realize that those things take making a leap of faith, but I feel that one should only take that leap so many times per person before they know where that person stands on the friendship ladder.  Only those that really are of a higher breed make it to the top, and by higher breed I mean have a moral standard that doesn't let them lie to their friends to get what they want.  It's obvious to others when your motives are less than pure, people, and everyone needs to come to that realization and grow up.

*He's done this to me several times now, and he's not the only one.  I often find myself being discredited as a liar because the people I get my information from are complete liars.  Now that I am able to realize this, I am ready to be done with people like that.
**I don't think that anyone that reads this blog has ever done anything like this to me, and if they have it was unintentional.  The people this applies to probably don't read this, or ever will read it, which is probably why it ended up on this blog and not on facebook.  I don't think I really want to cause major arguments with people, but I did need to express how I felt.

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