Monday, November 15, 2010

Feeling Better About Being Me

There are always those memories that make people feel special.  For instance, when I was in junior high, there was a year when Rexton Cook would only play the piano for me.  He was really good by my standards, and I considered myself privileged to listen to him play.

Then, a couple of weeks ago at the CES fireside, I sat next to a girl I went to school with.  Her name was Stephanie, but I didn't remember that.  She, however, remembered my name.  After apologizing for not remembering her name, she said, "Oh, that's okay.  The only reason I remember your name is because you were one of two foreign exchange students in our school.  I thought it was cool that you were from England."

Surprised, yet feeling awesome that I could pull off that persona, I said, "Actually, I was born and raised here in Utah.  I wasn't a foreign exchange student."

"Oh," she replied, "It must have just been a rumor floating around."

"Yeah, there were quite a few of those going around about me in school."  I said, ending the conversation, because the CES broadcast started.  Still, that made me happy, because that rumor is possibly the best one I have ever heard about myself.

1 comment:

  1. haha thats kinda funny! i have been told that i look chinease. ...don't know where they got that from!
