Saturday, September 18, 2010

The More Tired I Get...

Last night we had a party at my house.  It was probably about ten thirty when I started talking to Jen Weston and Nick Taylor.  By then I was tired enough not to care so much about what I told people.  The problem with this is that I say what I think, minus a few key points, which are remembered at a later time, and then I kick myself because whoever I speak to doesn't know those few key points, which changes my comments drastically, often making me look like a jerk.

For instance, I recall saying to Nick and Jen that all the guys I've dated were "stupid."  I didn't say, "excluding your brother, Nick" or "stupid in that they didn't treat me right, not that they were per-say unintelligent."  I recall saying that I got flowers on my car with a note on monday and I thought it might be his brother that left them, but I didn't say that I didn't know if it was or not.  I didn't say that I don't guess at those things, but that several people believed it was something Ryan would do for me.

The latter of the two received comment from Ryan last night.  I quote from a text, "Agreed.  However there is one thing I feel I should clarify.  Nick said you told him somebody left you flowers and a nice note on your car on monday and that you thought I had done it.  Though I would love to take credit for being that thoughtful and that it sounds like something I would do I have to admit that it wasn't me.  Whoever did it is awesome but it wasn't I who did it.  I couldn't take the credit for someone else's gesture, so sorry to tell ya but you'll have to keep wondering who it was.  They're a good friend whoever they are."

So, what do I do?  I reply with "Well, to add onto what I actually told Nick, I don't guess at those things, and had previously ruled you out because your handwriting, though similar, isn't an exact match.  Carianne persuaded me otherwise because you had written something similar on her car once.  She had a pretty good argument for it.  Although it bothers me not to know, I think I appreciate the beauty of the gesture.  I think I'd better be careful what I tell your brother, too, or you may end up with a very large amount of information I'm not sure I want you to have yet, as my opinion of you isn't fully formulated yet."

Yes, I need to be careful what I tell Nick when it comes to his brother.  Does he think that what I said about the guys I've dated included his brother, or does Nick even know or consider out to dinner once a date?  Does he even remember me saying it?  Really, I need to work on what I say to people, no matter how tired I am.  My people skills have always been a bit lacking, so it isn't surprising that I make mistakes like this in social situations.  However, I think I can blame part of that from last night on watching too much Bones before the party.  It is the equivalent of talking to Kestin for a few hours before going to a party (yes, I've done that too, which then leaves me on an anthropology kick that I can't get off of).  When I am around my favorite people, I tend to alienate the masses.

On the bright side.  The party was fun, and a lot of people came.  More people than I thought: a lot more.  I was glad that I had help from Savannah and Ryan to get things ready for the party, or I wouldn't have pulled it off.  Pie, a movie, and conversation made for a fun night.  Not bad for the first party I've ever held at my house.

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