Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Have A Peeve...

I have this peeve about people not being straightforward with me.  I won't hang out with or go out on a date with someone unless I know I'm capable of paying for myself.  I expect the people I go do things with to do the same as me.  If one person wants to pay, that's great, but if not, then you know I'll be able to cover myself.

I like to know where I stand with people.  I don't want to go dating someone multiple times if it isn't going anywhere.  Sure, I'll go out with someone now and then casually, but if that's the case it usually means that you pay for yourself now and then, not the "guy always pays" situation.  Given, I have a friend that always pays for me whenever we go somewhere, but that standard was set a long time ago, and since he insists, I'm not going to argue or worry about it.

Essentially, I want everything out on the table before I decide to get into something.  When people don't tell me everything I need to know, I'm left floundering, because I don't know how to act.  This is especially true with long term relationships.  So, if you talk to me, please be straightforward.

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