Monday, October 18, 2010

Birthday Treats

It's been a long time since I've written compared to my usual number of posts each month, but I just haven't felt like writing, and when I have, I've been in too much pain to really want to move over to my computer, so I just go to sleep.  However, I thought that I'd post some of the pictures from my birthday.

Each year I just have a small party with family and a couple close friends, which usually means just Megan on the friends side.  This year Shy came over to visit with her boyfriend for a little while.  Still, I was my same old keep it small and close self.  The only different thing was that my dad bought those candles that just keep relighting themselves.  It probably took me a minute to get them all officially blown out.

And at the next morning I found the card, candy, and a balloon on my car.


  1. that cake was so yummy. we need to hang out sometime soon. like a proper hanging out, too. complete with junk food and movie, yes?
