Friday, February 8, 2013

Blues Bombing a Talent Show

So, I'm posting this on my blog instead of on facebook for several reasons. One, I don't post on here as often as I should. Two, there's a mix of talking and dancing. Three, I figure that only the people really interested in watching me and Griffin dance will take the trouble to come here, so that gets rid of space off of everyone's news feed, I think.

Another hidden reason is that I was really nervous performing in front of everyone, so I didn't do quite as well as I would have liked. But Griffin, bless his heart, made up for it. It was lots of fun. There wasn't a lot of room to dance, so we didn't really do any ballrooming blues. But Griffin's got style.

Anyone who dances blues can probably see the struggle for proper connection for the first little bit. My faltering footwork especially shows that. However, as we got going, I loosened up a bit.

Also, Griffin and I both talk with our hands.

I wish I didn't trace my hair so much when I dance.

Best part of the night: Griffin's hat movement and my 'hide half my face with my hand' maneuver.

Overall, a great night to introduce the blues to a whole bunch of people who had never seen it before.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh Chelsea! you are AWESOME!!!and brave! (public speaking is one of my most dreaded things.) I seriously think, and this is just as an observer, so I may be totally off, but I seriously think dancing/meeting dance friends has been a life-changer for you. I may be wrong, but you sure do seem really happy and taking lots of healthy risks like public speaking. hmm or maybe just my personal meter of self-improvement is taking healthy risks...anyway, you are awesome! and by the way, those pants are really flattering, haha. it is cool to see what you have been talking about! okay. long comment. I'll stop rambling now. :)
