Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My New Year's Resolutions

  1. Make one new friend.
  2. Have a 3.4 GPA by the end of 2011.
  3. Take a ballroom dance class.
  4. Weigh 120 pounds (give or take a few pounds) by the end of 2011.
  5. Have no regrets.
  6. Crochet all the afghan projects I have planned.
  7. Finish sewing my dress.
  8. Have all twelve music events checked off my honors great works list.
  9. Have all twelve art events checked off my honors great works list.
  10. Have at least six great works papers written and properly edited for turn in.
  11. Eat three meals a day at least five days out of the week.
  12. Be less cynical.
  13. Try to somewhat understand people's general belief in soul mates.
  14. Plant something in my vegetable garden that I've never grown before.
  15. Know my limits.
  16. Balance working and relaxing instead of doing each in the extreme.
  17. Tolerate company in large groups.
  18. Take more things on faith.
  19. Relearn the ability to give people the benefit of the doubt.
  20. Read 24 books for fun (that's two a month on top of whatever else is required reading).
Generally I find that making resolutions at the new year is fruitless, as I just forget them and never complete any that I set out to do.  However, this year I'm going to try writing them down; supposedly that helps a lot of people.  I also felt that I would make my goals a little more specific so I could slowly work towards them.  Out of the twenty goals I've set, I hope to have at least numbers 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, and 20 accomplished.  So, that's about half.  Some will definitely be easy, like number 14.  Others will be tough (particularly number 2).  As I do this, I hope to become a more goal oriented person instead of a drifter.  I'm really good at drifting, so it is going to be a hard thing for me to do, this becoming goal oriented, but I hope it will help me achieve all I want to in life.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great New Year's Resolution! I wanted to let you know that I think you are a strong, courageous girl. You have been through a lot but yet you still stick by to what you know you believe. I commend you for being such a great example, especially to me. I want you to know that I love you and I'm grateful to have you as my friend!
