Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Sometimes I never know how to write what I feel.  A lot of the time how I'm feeling comes out in the music I choose to listen to.  That's why some days I'm really picky about what I want to listen to.  It is the days that I'm picky that one has to worry, especially when nothing on the radio pleases me.  That usually means I'm feeling pretty dead that day.

Music brings back memories.  I have spent most of my life with some sort of music in the background.  It has always been my number one coping mechanism.  If you have a powerful enough speaker, you can drown anything out with music.

Often that's why I choose to post a lot of music on my blog.  Then, I worry that I post too much music, so I post pictures.  And then I worry that I post too many pictures, so I post long blogging verbiage that I worry nobody reads.  It really isn't the random lists of funny facts that I feel that people don't want to read; it's the stuff that I feel defines me as a person.  Sometimes I look back and think that I haven't posted very much of that.

So, I'm opening up the discussion board to my readers.  What do you want to see more of on this blog?  I never get very many comments on my posts, so I don't know what anyone thinks.  Do you like the lists? The music?  The pictures (more especially the HAAYS)?  Should I only post HAAYS and music videos on a certain day of the week, or month?  Do I whine too much? Am I too happy (seriously doubt it), obsessed with something (other than music; we've already established that), or too serious?  What do you want to read?


  1. I really like reading lists. I think those are quite fun. I also like when you talk just about your feelings and things you have done. You write very well and I enjoy reading what you have to say. I don't usually watch videos or much look at the HAAYs, I'm sure other people enjoy those, but I read blogs to get the feel for the person, and your writing does that the best.

  2. I really like reading your ideas on matters socially, publically, economically, etc. It makes me think about the matters myself and therefore I can find my own opinion on things. You present information like that very well, hence why you are a good writer.
