Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My New Year's Resolutions

  1. Make one new friend.
  2. Have a 3.4 GPA by the end of 2011.
  3. Take a ballroom dance class.
  4. Weigh 120 pounds (give or take a few pounds) by the end of 2011.
  5. Have no regrets.
  6. Crochet all the afghan projects I have planned.
  7. Finish sewing my dress.
  8. Have all twelve music events checked off my honors great works list.
  9. Have all twelve art events checked off my honors great works list.
  10. Have at least six great works papers written and properly edited for turn in.
  11. Eat three meals a day at least five days out of the week.
  12. Be less cynical.
  13. Try to somewhat understand people's general belief in soul mates.
  14. Plant something in my vegetable garden that I've never grown before.
  15. Know my limits.
  16. Balance working and relaxing instead of doing each in the extreme.
  17. Tolerate company in large groups.
  18. Take more things on faith.
  19. Relearn the ability to give people the benefit of the doubt.
  20. Read 24 books for fun (that's two a month on top of whatever else is required reading).
Generally I find that making resolutions at the new year is fruitless, as I just forget them and never complete any that I set out to do.  However, this year I'm going to try writing them down; supposedly that helps a lot of people.  I also felt that I would make my goals a little more specific so I could slowly work towards them.  Out of the twenty goals I've set, I hope to have at least numbers 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, and 20 accomplished.  So, that's about half.  Some will definitely be easy, like number 14.  Others will be tough (particularly number 2).  As I do this, I hope to become a more goal oriented person instead of a drifter.  I'm really good at drifting, so it is going to be a hard thing for me to do, this becoming goal oriented, but I hope it will help me achieve all I want to in life.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Christmas Note

Have a happy Christmas, everyone!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Awkward Social Scenes

I'm not very good at talking to certain people, for different reasons, of course.  The bigger the group, the more I tend to fade into the background.  As I'm fading, I usually run into Brandon Campbell on my way.  We talk anywhere from fifteen minutes to half an hour before we usually get noticed and pulled into some game or other.  We then play that game for awhile, and then both quit.  A little while later I've fallen back to my previous faded position, and soon Brandon goes off to converse with someone else (as is polite, in such a large group) and I finish my fading.

My problem with that situation is that I always feel awkward when talking to Brandon, because I feel like I'm doing a lot, if not all, of the talking.  Also, I feel that he is quite a bit more intelligent than I am, so I feel like he possibly doesn't want to listen to someone that he can't be edified by.  He's a great guy.  We're on the mission council together, and usually can't look at each other without laughing.  Still, it's always one of those awkward situations for me.

And when I say I fade, I mean it.  I become pretty much invisible.  I can just sit and observe and no one speaks to me or asks if I would be interested in joining into conversation or games.  Just try and invite yourself, you say?  When I interject phrases into conversations going on, it seems like they hear me and see me, but don't want to--as if their brains aren't wanting to register that there's a being speaking.  I tried to invite myself into a rotation of ping pong, and when I got up to ask they just started another game.  Really, I'm pretty invisible.  The only way someone seems to notice me is if I get hit by something.  They see me there, apologize, and quickly move on.  Hence why I hate big group things--especially if I am in the mood to speak to other people instead of observe.

Then there's the threesome.  You're in a car, and you know both people, but one you don't know very well, and the other you know better but don't know what to say to him/her because you don't exactly know where your spot in the social hierarchy is.  So, you sit there quietly.  And, in the course of the car ride the one you know better starts talking to you, but nothing really registers.  By the time you've figured out that you're at a reasonably comfortable spot in the social hierarchy, it once again becomes awkward, because that puts the other person in the car as the odd man out: the bottom of the hierarchy, so to speak.

The whole car ride becomes one large, awkward situation bomb that will detonate if you say anything, because you don't want to spend all your time talking to the one you know better for fear of alienating the one you don't know as well, and since you don't know how well these two people know each other, it is impossible to tell which subject of conversation to choose that everyone can participate in.  Once again, I remain silent in such situations.  However, I don't have the talent of fading into the background here.  Person you know better will keep saying things to try and spark conversation with you, and the other, less known person will occasionally comment, but you know that you're the one that connects both of these people.  The heart of the conversation rests with you.  What do I do?  Panic and say nothing in that panic, of course.

Finally, there's the one on one situations.  There's always those couple people that are my friends, but I'm always in a state of annoyance with them.  So, when I get together to do something with one of these friends, I'm reminded anew of why I'm always so annoyed when I think about them.  Wishing and wishing and wishing with no action, leeching, my life's terrible--those kinds of things that people go on about that are okay once in awhile, but when talked about all the time really bother me.  However, I'm too nice/polite/aware of society's expectations to let them know how annoyed I am at them.  There will always be that one person who I can be really upset and angry at because of what they are doing and how it will affect their future, but when I see them I never say anything.  And there will always be the one person that I can be annoyed/angry at, see and then just get quiet and sad.

I think I expect too much of people.  If I expected less of them I probably wouldn't be so socially awkward and critical; I would probably be more pleased with the world and the people in it.  As it is, the more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it.

You Make Me Wanna

Up until this post I forgot just how much I listened to Usher while I was growing up.  I remember listening to this song in the car with my cousins.  I have a lot of memories that involve Usher's music.  Most of them involve my cousin Page and driving places in her car.  We had the windows down, the music loud, and didn't care what anyone else thought.  Anyone else listen to him while growing up?  Just think, some of his music is more than a decade old now!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

U Remind Me

Don't care for the song?  Watch from 2:20 to 3:00.  The dance is awesome.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Sometimes I never know how to write what I feel.  A lot of the time how I'm feeling comes out in the music I choose to listen to.  That's why some days I'm really picky about what I want to listen to.  It is the days that I'm picky that one has to worry, especially when nothing on the radio pleases me.  That usually means I'm feeling pretty dead that day.

Music brings back memories.  I have spent most of my life with some sort of music in the background.  It has always been my number one coping mechanism.  If you have a powerful enough speaker, you can drown anything out with music.

Often that's why I choose to post a lot of music on my blog.  Then, I worry that I post too much music, so I post pictures.  And then I worry that I post too many pictures, so I post long blogging verbiage that I worry nobody reads.  It really isn't the random lists of funny facts that I feel that people don't want to read; it's the stuff that I feel defines me as a person.  Sometimes I look back and think that I haven't posted very much of that.

So, I'm opening up the discussion board to my readers.  What do you want to see more of on this blog?  I never get very many comments on my posts, so I don't know what anyone thinks.  Do you like the lists? The music?  The pictures (more especially the HAAYS)?  Should I only post HAAYS and music videos on a certain day of the week, or month?  Do I whine too much? Am I too happy (seriously doubt it), obsessed with something (other than music; we've already established that), or too serious?  What do you want to read?

A 2010 Country Highlight

If you don't have time to watch all of these, watch the first one.  It was the biggest highlight of the CMA performances (well, George Strait probably rivals that).

The fancy guitar player that I was debating about in an earlier post, Keith Urban.

And the King of Country, George Strait.  He chokes up and doesn't finish the line @ 2:00.

Somewhere With You

This song really hits home with me.  It's been a long while since I've really loved a Kenny Chesney song.  He's a great singer, but I just haven't been caught by very many of his songs since the nineties.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Some More Nerdy Trivia

  • There are more plastic flamingos in the United States than real ones.

  • The muzzle of a lion is like a finger print.  No two are exactly alike.

  • If the entire population of China walked past you in single file, you would not live long enough to see the end of the line.

  • Giraffes and humans have the same number of vertebrae in the neck; the giraffes' are just much larger.

  • The Niagara River froze solid on March 29, 1848, which stopped the flow of the Niagara Falls.  So, for a few hours the locals were able to walk on the riverbed where the falls cascade.

  • George Washington rejected a movement started by army officers to make him king of the USA, saying, "I didn't fight George III to become George I."

  • Washington was actually America's eighth president.  Before the Constitution of 1789, America was governed by the Articles of Confederation, and seven men served as president under these Articles.

  • The traffic light predated the invention of the automobile.

  • All swans in England are the property of the queen.

  • Time magazine's "Man of the Year" for 1938 was Adolf Hitler.

  • Absolute zero, the temperature at which all motion ceases, is -460 degrees Fahrenheit.  

  • The FBI hired its first two female agents in 1972: a former nun and a former US marine.

  • Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th.

  • The superstitious belief that 13 is an unlucky number (Triskaidekaphobia) comes from Judas Iscariot's betrayal of Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, when the twelve and Jesus were gathered together for the last time.

  • There are no permanent rivers or lakes in Saudi Arabia.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

U Got It Bad

This is one of my favorite Usher songs.

Love In This Club

I have decided that I'm going to do a series of posts with Usher's music in them; some will be live performances and others will be music videos.  In the case of this post, there'll be both the music video and the live version, because I like the dance in the music video that is blinded out by all the lighting in the live performance.  I really like him.  The guy's got talent.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Two Major Peeves

There are two things that really bother me: screaming mothers and screaming children.

And no, I can't tell the difference between when your baby squeals with joy or screams because he/she is upset.  It's all the same sound, and it gets on my nerves with extreme ease.  When your child is that young, there is little to no difference between your child's giggle and its cry.  The quieter the better.

Don't take your infant or toddler to cultural events.  It annoys us all when your child starts screaming and you don't take them out of the theater, and can only bring you embarrassment.  It doesn't matter how cute they are to you; nothing is cute when it's screaming.

Oh, and mothers, please don't get upset and start yelling at me because I don't know exactly what you want or what the situation is.  I don't have children because I don't want them (at least at this period of my life; that may change; you never know).  I do, however, believe that you should respect everyone and take care of your child by exiting the room with your child when it starts to scream.  If you want my help, ask for it.  Don't go to a bunch of trouble to fix everything and come back to tell me that I should have done this or that to help.

Okay, I think I'm done now.  This wasn't directed towards anyone in particular.  I just had an overwhelming urge to express that before I went to bed.  It really bothers me, and I wanted people to know how I felt.  A blog post felt better than bursting into song about it.

Keith Urban

I was in the car with my mom the other day, and we were listening to a Keith Urban song on the radio.  I said, "You know, it's really weird.  He'll have a really great cd one year, and then the next all his music will be terrible.  I have no clue why it's like that."

My mom replied, "You probably like the stuff that he writes when he's drunk and hate the stuff that he writes when he's sober."

"I didn't know he was an alcoholic."

"Yeah, he's been in an out of rehab all the time for it."

"Oh... really?"


"I didn't know that."

Silence.  It made me wonder which music he writes when he's sober and which music he writes when he's drunk, and which phase I like him in best for writing music.

He wrote this one with one other guy.

He didn't write this one, but it is off the same cd, and it is one of my favorite cds.  It is actually one of two songs on the whole cd that he didn't write.  However, they fit well with what he writes.

Anyone want to guess what stage he's in when he writes music like this?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Power of Words

Math, I really feel that if I do it for long enough my brain will melt.  I feel like I understand it, and then I go back to review, and I find I've well nigh forgotten it all.  It isn't that I cannot do it; quite the contrary, I am particularly good at it when the concepts are explained properly.  My problem seems to be that I cannot retain the knowledge.  If formulas and rules were given me to utilize during a test, I am sure that my performance would be much improved upon.

After much consideration on the matter, I've decided that even though I am capable of doing math, it really is one of my weaker areas of performance.  Once I have finished with my current math class, I have every intention of never taking another one. For once in my life, I am very happy to have chosen a profession in which so little mathematical skills will be required.  I much prefer to employ my time with reading and helping others improve upon their writing.  A beautifully written passage is, to me, as moving as observing a blissfully happy newlywed couple.  The ability to bring one to tears of pain, joy, or laughter through words is one that should not be undervalued.

There is a reason why certain songs stay on the top songs list forever.  Songs that only have a catchy beat may stay on top for awhile, but are soon forgotten if the lyrics have no meaning behind them.  Lyrics are poetry, the butter to the bread of music.  True connoisseurs of literature know that in order for any song to stick, there must be meaning behind it.  This is true of classical music as well.  Pieces of music constructed with a beautifully depicted idea behind them are the ones that stick with us the longest.  The beauty of the Planets depicted by music make one muse upon the words that can properly describe them.  When one says that a piece of music is moving, there are indescribable feelings behind the word moving that they cannot express.  Writers do this.  To have the talent of expressing oneself eloquently is a gift given to many, but utilized by few.

Everything starts with words, and our words are all that remain of us when we're gone, so make the most of them.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Shyanne and I went to this show on Saturday night.  I was really glad she wanted to go, because I didn't really know anyone that would want to go.  When the show was over, Shy and I turned to each other and said, "That was awesome!"  I'm definitely getting this show when it comes out, and I'm probably going to go and buy the cd this week.  The music gave me the chills, and I found myself wanting to clap after numbers got finished, because I felt like I was watching a live show.

I realize I posted a lot of videos, but she has an amazing voice.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Some Nerdy Trivia

  • Seeking a sage and wizened look, the creators of Star Wars modeled Yoda's face after Albert Einstein.

  • Belle, from Disney's Beauty and the Beast, can be seen in a crowd scene in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

  • Chocolate syrup was used for blood in the famous shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's movie Psycho; it took seven days to shoot the 45-second scene.

  • Water exists on the sun.

  • Animal Crackers were first produced with a string on the box so they could be used as Christmas tree ornaments.

  • The answer to the question which came first, the chicken or the egg, can be found in the Bible (Genesis 1:20-22).

  • An exocannibal eats only his enemies, while an indocannibal eats only his friends.

  • 111,111,111 X 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 a palindromic number.

  • British merchant Peter Durand came up with the idea of canned food in 1810, but the can opener wasn't invented until 48 years later by Ezra J. Warner.  Until 1858 cans were opened with a hammer and chisel.

And my Personal Favorite:
  • The Bible has been translated into nearly 2,500 languages, including Klingon, Romulan, and Vulcan.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Over Identifying

I watched this episode of Bones tonight.  I cried... a lot.

"People assume that when you're alone you must be lonely.  Like most assumptions it's erroneous."

"Do you think I've gone nuts?"

"You're not alone in this world."

Those are just a few of the things that hit home.

Missed the episode but want to watch it?  Go here.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Yup, I'm an Addict

My mom and I wrapped a bunch of Christmas presents yesterday.  When I opened a new roll of wrapping paper, I said, "This is nice looking paper, and it smells good too.  Some wrapping paper has an odd smell, but some smells really good."

When she was done listening to me, my mom said, "You're a paper addict.  After listening to you talk about the way each book's paper has a unique smell that makes you love to read, and now this, you're definitely an addict."

Really, I'll never be able to fully switch over to electronic reading sources, because I miss the book smell when I read on an electronic device.  There's something about a library that just brings out the reading spirit in me.  And then I think about the Vashta Nerada (means the Shadows that melt the flesh), and then I have to stay out of the shadows.  I try to forget about the Vashta Nerada when I think about them, because that kind of just destroys the great thought of the library.  Doctor Who thing, Vashta Nerada.

If anyone's gone shopping for paper or pens with me, or been in a book store or library with me, then you know what I mean.  I'm pretty sure I've scared people.  So, I generally try to do my shopping for paper products by myself, and then only shop in book stores with friends sparingly.  You can't really avoid running into people you know at libraries.

My Kinda Party

I've been really addicted to this song.  I came across a live version on youtube, and remembered why I love to listen to so many country artists; the artists sound the same live as they do on their cds!  Even those of you who aren't big on country music might like this one.  Megan, if you don't like it, I'd suggest jumping to the last two minutes of the song.  I think you'll appreciate the guitarist.

Here's the music video of the song for those of you who like to compare quality.

I like a lot of Jason Aldean's songs, so this isn't just a fluke like for me, in case anyone wanted to know.

Not bad, huh?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


A lot of times I feel like I'm two different people.  One part of me is happy and fun, and the other part is easily hurt and doesn't want to try my hand at socializing or dating ever again.  Sure, supposedly it's just a phase.  Right?  I'll get over it and should get over my concerned phase right now?

Someone tells me I'm amazing, and I want to think I am; truly I do.  However, I just can't quite make myself believe it, because there's that other half of me that says, "Come on.  You've already screwed up one of the most important decisions a person is supposedly supposed to make.  Obviously you can't be that great.  Settle for mediocre.  Mediocre is right where you belong."

Then there's that feeling in my bones that says, "You're worth so much more than you yet realize.  You are meant for something greater.  Wait and see.  Something so amazing is going to come your way that it will make people envious to see you so happy."

You know, it is times like these that I really worry that I'm bipolar.  Soon, I'm just going to turn into a mix of Brennan and House, and be happy in my own strange little way.  It's the holidays doing this to me.  Think it will ever change?  Maybe next Christmas?  I think I'd better work rather hard at it.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Generally, I can't say I'm a Katy Perry fan.  Sure, I like a couple of her songs and I think she has talent, but for the most part I don't care for her songs.  However, this song is really good.  I didn't think she'd ever sing anything like this.  When I listen to it I feel good afterwards.

When I Need A Lift

Sometimes it feels really good to know that someone's got you on their mind, especially when you've had a bad/mediocre week.  Whoever sends me these considerably brightens my life when I need it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This year, I decided to take pictures of Thanksgiving, but I got busy and therefore gave the camera to my cousin, Joey Balaich.  There are, consequently, no photos of him.  However, he did get some fun ones!


Grandpa June, Tajsha, Tony, and Dylan

Lisa admiring her good cooking.

Craig doing the dishes, and Nick watching.


Tony again

Marc, his girlfriend, Grandma Vickie, Grandpa June

Alia (I don't know how to spell her name.  It's pronounced Ah-Lee-A), Nick and Jamie's baby.

Brenda and Nick with his back turned.

Jason, Page's boyfriend


Bailey and Dylan

Jamie's in the foreground


Grandma Alice and Grandpa Bill

My awesome Grandpa June

J.J. without his hand in front of his face.

Heather and her girlfriend, Nina

Marc and Tajsha

Bailey trying to keep little Jason from J.J.

Uncle Scott

Aunt Carol

Page, her boyfriend and their son, aunt Kelly with her back turned, and hey, me!


This was my mom's side of the family, minus Alice and Bill, my dad's mom and stepdad.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lots List

Lots of Buffy.

Lots of music.

Lots of wishing that there was someone who cared.

Lots of wanting to cry.

About ten tears fell before I told myself to get over it.

Lots of rambling on about things so people will think I'm okay.

Lots of getting angry.

Lots of wanting to tell couples to just break it off now, because it isn't going to work anyway.

Lots of feeling like monogamous relationships are almost as nonexistent as functioning open ones.

Lots of wanting to punch things.

Lots of feeling bad about wanting to break things, because I know if I broke them I'd feel bad later, and miss those things.

Lots of wanting to be something more than I am.

Lots of wondering who in the world isn't going to think that I'm just having a 'pity me' party.

Lots of wanting to tell a certain someone "Bull shit.  It's your life, you're an adult, and you can do what you want with it.  No one can command your life but you.  Do what you want with it; don't just pine away for it."

Lots of wanting someone to hug, lay my head on his shoulder, etc.

Lots of wanting to kiss someone, but then thinking, well, I don't want to just kiss a random stranger or a friend that I don't really like; I want to like the person enough to want to stay with them awhile.  Then again, maybe I shouldn't even want that, because I don't really need a relationship right now.

Lots of wanting to make a certain someone jealous; a lot of hoping that he's miserable on occasion, too.

Lots of feeling bad about the above thoughts on him.

Lots of feeling mediocre.

Lots of writing random things.

Lots of Terry Pratchett.

And the list goes on...

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I've thought he was handsome since the first time I saw him in a show, and since the first time I've told a guy that I thought that, I've met with opposition.  Is there a reason that guys are offended by my thinking this man is HAAY deserving?  Anyone, anyone?

Hugh Laurie

So, we all know him from Jeeves and Wooster, do we not?  I never thought he was overly handsome when he was young.  Great actor, though.

Now, however, I find him much more handsome.  Anyone else agree?