So, to understand the significance of this post, you have to know a bit about last week. My birthday was last week. On Sunday. That was a good day. The next day wasn't. I went to get my driver's license in the morning, because you can't renew your driver's license early when you turn 21, for obvious reasons. It was Columbus Day. Can't get a new license. So I drive back to school on an expired license. And then I met with my group for my group midterm in my Honors class, and I was broody because I was the only one that could answer every question, and that I missed FHE (some of my friends in my group I only see at FHE, so yeah, broodiness).
Tuesday. I find out that I lost my student ID card. I think I will be able to find it somewhere, so I don't get a new one. I skip my last class because I'm feeling particularly broody, and then think, well, I might as well go get my license. I get to the place they tell you to go on the website. That isn't the place to get your license. I finally get to the little community bank thing that has the drivers license renewal place on the second floor. I get in there, start filling out the forms, and they say, "We're not serving anyone else. We usually stop serving people at 4:30." Well then, why don't you lock your doors at 4:30 so no one else comes in????
I was upset, not just because of that, but because occasionally I have really bad memory days. So, I cried, and then went and got myself calmed down by driving around and buying something. Hell if I remember what it was.
Wednesday was meh. I did poorly on a plurals test in my Arabic class and wanted to cry. I had a speaking appointment afterwards, and wanted to run and hide, not because I didn't do well in the appointment (my partner and I always do well) but because when I was leaving, I went to slide my chair in, and the top of my chair pulled off. I fixed it, but that didn't stop me from being uber embarrassed by the look my teacher gave me as he said, "Chelsea!"
Thursday, and I still can't find my ID card. I feel a little stupid about being broody over it because my friend Courtney lost her laptop (she still hasn't found it, poor girl). I have a midterm, so by the time I get done with my midterm I just wanted to go to bed. I didn't get homework done for the rest of the week for my Arabic class. Sad day.
Friday was okay, but that's probably because I don't really remember what happened. Oh yeah. I got a new ID card because I couldn't find it, and I played DDR with my roommate Kelsey. That was good, because I feel like I'm better friends with her now. Roommate bonding time.
Now for what you've all been waiting for. This Monday wasn't looking so hot. I woke up and seriously debated if I wanted to get out of bed. I STILL hadn't done my Arabic homework. I decided I had to get up and go to school. Good call.
My teacher in my Arabic class asked us what we did on the weekend, and the answers that came from the guys about girls made me laugh so hard I almost cried. And my teacher just kept feeding off of their funny comments (made funny because they didn't know what they were saying in Arabic). I laughed so hard I forgot why I was sad. So here's to a great teacher, who makes me laugh at least once almost every day in class.
Ustaaz Yusuf Nielsen (Professor Joseph Nielsen. . . picture commandeered from facebook) |
Bam. I got you all on here, reading this, thinking that I've found someone special (and a couple of you are still thinking, 'Well, maybe you have") and it's all about a teacher. The power of advertising, people. The power of advertising.