We are all bound by the chains of iniquity. The fall of man would have guaranteed us a spot in Outer Darkness with Satan and his angels if Christ had not come, but he did, and we are given the choice to yield to the enticing of the spirit and come unto Christ. Jesus is both the Father and the Son. If he were not there to make intercession for us we would remain in our fallen state, in bondage to that awful spirit who is the devil, never to be resurrected.
“And because he dwelleth in flesh he shall be called the Son of God, and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son-- The Father, because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the flesh; thus becoming the Father and Son--” (Mosiah 15:2-3). Christ is the beloved son of God, the one who offered us the way to become gods and goddesses. Through coming to this earth and subjecting himself to the laws of his Father, doing his Father’s will, he shows himself as the Son of God. However, because of the infinite atonement he made he takes on a second title; he takes on the title of Father. As we partake of Christ’s mercy, he cleanses us of sin. As fallen humans we are reborn through Christ, making him our father and brother in one.
If Christ had not come to this earth as a sacrifice for sin, we would have no one to make intercession for us, and justice would overrule mercy, for nothing that is unclean can dwell in God’s presence. For surely we will stand in God’s presence to be judged of our works, whether they be good or evil. On that great day, we will stand there in our guilt and tremble, begging for mercy and for justice to stay her hand, and Christ , having gained power over the bands of death, is able to extend his hands in mercy, having satisfied justice with his atoning blood.
In order for Christ to be able to intercede on our behalf we need to hearken unto the words of the prophets and look towards Christ, using him as our anchor in all things. “For these are they whose sins he has borne; these are they for whom he has died, to redeem them from their transgressions. And now, are they not his seed?” (Mosiah 15:12). As each individual strives to bring peace to others, bear good tidings and tells the world of salvation and the God of Zion, they become a child of Christ; they become one of his seed.
Were it not for Christ’s great sacrifice and atonement that he made for his people we would have all perished. Oh how great would be our sorrow had there been no redemption, for there would be no resurrection, and the grave would have power over our bodies, and that evil Satan over our souls, and death would have swallowed all nations as a snake swallows her prey. “But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ. He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened, yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death” (Mosiah 16: 8-9). Christ’s light extends through all spheres of time and space, saving all who lived, live, and will live in this universe. Due to the resurrection, each individual will stand at the judgement bar in their own resurrected body to await their fate. If the individual has chosen to do good throughout their life, repenting and following Christ, then they will be granted eternal happiness and glory. However, those who have chosen evil works will reap what they sow, and that reward is eternal misery and damnation.
God extends his arms of mercy towards us all the day long, and we, in our carnal state of sensuality refuse to accept his loving arms of mercy and do not depart from that which we know is wrong. Being commanded to repent, but still refusing, for people are swift to do iniquity, but slow to remember the Lord their God. Just as King Noah’s people, the people of this age live in a time where iniquity is in abundance, and it often causes us to be lifted up in the pride of our hearts when things go well for us. When we lean unto our own understanding and forget God, that is the time in which we should fear the most. For, just as King Noah’s people, if we as a people continue in our iniquity and do not have a change of heart, we will surely be brought into bondage and destroyed, for God will not suffer the people of this nation to live in this promised land while iniquity abounds.
“And now, ought ye not to tremble and repent of your sins, and remember that only in and through Christ can ye be saved?” (Mosiah 16:13). As teachers and leaders, we need to set the example of righteousness for the next generation. The only way that we are saved is through Christ. Repentance is a commandment, and it is given for our good. The rising generation needs to know of their Redeemer and of the wonderful and necessary gift of repentance. “Teach them that redemption cometh through Christ the Lord, who is the very Eternal Father. Amen” (Mosiah 16:15).
Very thorough. I'm impressed. As usual, you did your research, and everything you've said is supported by scripture. I'd give it an 'A'.