Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Whole Fam Damily

So, I am usually not one for socializing, and we all know that.  But, since I go to a university where the population is almost 100 percent LDS, the student body is required to be actively participating in things the church endorses.  One of these things is "family home evening."  The ward is split into small groups of "families" and two people in that group, a guy and a girl, are appointed "mom and dad" for the group.  Every Monday we meet at 7 PM to do something fun and have a spiritual thought.  The first time I was at BYU I never really went to these things, because I could get away with only showing up once in awhile.  This time, however, the family home evening "mom" is my roommate.  Busted.  I always have to go.

I have no clue what the spiritual thought for January 18th was.  I just remember going to Cabelas.  Our family split into groups and were given pieces of paper.  On my group's paper, we were told we were going bear hunting, and needed to go on a scavenger hunt to find the proper clothing, shelter, weapon, item of our choice, a bear, and a couple other things I don't remember.  We were rushed, because when we got to Cabelas it was fifteen minutes before closing time.  The pictures are what we came up with.

Sydney Neibaur and Coulter Neves

Thomas Cook

Camo hat on one side, hunter orange on the other.

Coulter, Thomas, and Sydney have found our bear trap!

And Coulter's got some guns just in case.

We're scouting out bears, supposedly.

And Syd's pretending to be one.

And Coulter's decided the best route to catching a bear is to feed it.


The girls'll do some relaxing while the guys do the hunting.

And the guys'll spend some time fishing.

Our mode of transportation.

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