Sunday, February 28, 2010

25 Things

1. Graham Norton is my hero.

2. Napoleon Bonaparte should have won.

3. I secretly wish every day that Doctor Who was real and that he would come sweep me away in his little blue box that is the TARDIS.

4. I think that Christopher Eccleston is good looking.

5. I want to see triangular puddles in an octagon.

6. I randomly start dancing when I'm walking around my house

7. I am afraid of Johnny Depp, except for when he is Captain Jack Sparrow.

8. Whenever I hear the name Jack I think of TORCHWOOD.

9. Whenever I hear TORCHWOOD I think of Ianto.

10. I think that because Ianto is a derivative of John that all people named John should be called Ianto from now on.

11. I want an alien pet named Stitch.

12. Sometimes I think Nik is an alien in disguise and that his name actually is Stitch.

13. We really do adopt kids from the frog people.

14. I used to ask my mother to open my head.

15. My first words were, "Hi Kitty!"

16. When I'm tired I laugh for no reason, get really hyper, and then crash. There is no wind down period.

17. I think the guy who plays Owen Harper in Torchwood is hot because he has the weirdest bone structure I have ever seen.

18. It is a fact of the universe that Rose Tyler and The Doctor belong together.

19. I am a Doctor Who Junkie.

20. I've never read the bible all the way through. In fact, I've never got past numbers. I have, however, read Esther, and James!

21. I swore in the library on BYU campus. I truly thought I was going to get struck down by lightening when I realized what I had done.

22. Postcards are a blessing sent from God straight to me, because I have a ton of fun writing and receiving them.

23. This blog entry reminds me somewhat of a survey.

24. I love to plead the 5th.

25. Japanese Cherry Blossom is my favorite scent.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I LOVE GRAHAM NORTON. He is so hilarious. I wish America would have talk show hosts like him. I think the UK is much more relaxed about their humor/sexuality/talk shows in general.

    2. kljasdjfa;lsjdf;lasjdf;ljasdf I WISH HE DID.

    3. wouldn't it be cool if you had a blue front door that looked exactly like the TARDIS's door? I just thought of that.

    8,9,10. yesssssssssssss

    15. awwwww
    16. four words: purple fluffy sith coat.
    17. it is SO true. he has the WEIRDEST attraction.

    19. REALLY??!?

    22. -cough- yes, um. EXPECT SOME SOON!

    23.I am addicted to surveys.

    this was fun to read!
