Friday, April 20, 2012

It All Made Sense at Denny's

Went to Denny's with the group after blues. Sat next to Nathan and Hailey. Hailey ended up moving over to accommodate other people (there were like fourteen people there). Laughed and talked with a tired, dance-drunk Nathan. Almost fell asleep on his shoulder. We order nearly the same thing: same drink, same entree, but different kinds of eggs and pancakes. Laugh, giggle, tired, time to go. Tabs come out.

Waitress: Are you two together?
Me: Huh? Us?
Waitress: Yeah.
Me: No.
Waitress: Oh. Let me go split your tab then.
Me: You hear that Nathan? You should feel proud and complimented. Just one night and they think we're together!
Nathan: What?
Me: They had to go split our tab. They thought we were together.
Nathan: Haha. That's awesome. We're just cool like that.
Hailey: You two just have that happy glow.

Methinks the start of some awesome friendships. Hooked on blues. Hooked on blues bad. Late night Denny's is just a bonus. Nathan's leaving after tonight and won't be back until August. If I'm not there when he comes back, he says he's going to "look me down and hunt me up." Yeah, we were tired. It all made sense at Denny's.

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh, granted I was pretty tired while reading it, but still.
