Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Things I've Seriously Thought About, and You Should Too

1.  Liposuction.  I seriously thought about this when I was coming to terms with being overweight.  Sure, a bit expensive, but definitely a quick fix for my problems.  However, I know that a lot of people do this and then quickly go back to looking like they did before because they don't change their eating and exercise habits.  So I decided to change my habits and then look at liposuction again.  I now eat healthy food and try to exercise twice a week or more.  I'll admit that at one point I was obsessed with exercise.

Once I got that under control, I looked at liposuction again.  I have what people like to call love handles.  This really bothered me at first, especially because it is something that I have guys comment on occasionally.  I've had people tell me I needed to exercise, and I didn't, and still don't, like it.  The quick fix seemed really appealing again.  I had to take a step back and ask myself, "Why do you want to look like that?"  If it was for my own satisfaction it would be one thing, but it wasn't for my own satisfaction.  I wanted to look that way so guys would want me.  Seems like a terrible reason to get liposuction.  I've decided that if a guy wants me to go under the knife for him, then he isn't the right guy.  The guy for me will be one that loves me if I have love handles or not, and he will always be there to encourage me to exercise for fun, and try new, healthy meals because it's fun.

2.  The military.  Anyone who knows me (or has read the posts about the military on this blog) knows that I've railed against the whole idea of the military my entire life.  It has taken me a long time to be laid back about the whole thing.  Let me tell you how I did it.

I went through the reasons I don't like the military.  Bureaucracy made the list, but I realized how necessary it was to keep things functioning.  Another problem I have with the military is what happens to the soldiers once they're in.  They're desensitized about nearly everything.  They're often mean and aggressive.  I can't take that, especially after what I went though with my husband.  And of course I have a problem with the pornography that plays all over.  It's just generally accepted as necessary for soldiers.  That really bothers me. Violence is the main reason I dislike the military.  However, this just extends to human indecency and barbarism.  As long as there are people around who want to take over the world and oppress people, there will be militaries.  And I would rather my country have one to protect me than be taken over by someone else's.  I decided that I can be a peace loving flower child and still accept the military for what it is because of that main reason.

3.  The USA.  If anyone who reads this is completely comfortable with this country, I invite them to start thinking about the United States of America, and I'm not talking about current politics, although one could definitely go there.  I'm talking about our history as a nation.  I love and hate America at the same time.  I love and hate presidents at the same time.  I invite everyone to pick up a good book about history.  A great place to start is with author Sarah Vowell.  Her collection of personal essays Take the Cannoli is one of the main reasons I really have mixed feelings about the country I live in.  Take a look at her essay "What I See When I Look At The Face On The $20 Bill," and you'll know what I am feeling.  My ancestors on my mother's side are Cherokee.  The man on the $20 bill committed genocide, and America let him do it.  There are lots of other examples, like the annexation of Hawaii.  I'd like you to explore them for yourself.  If I've done my job, you'll be more certain about the truth of your country, yet more uncomfortable with it.

I have more, but I don't have time to write them down right now.  Would anyone be interested in another post with things like these?  Maybe should I make it a once a month series?  Comments are, as always, appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you didn't get lipo. Some people, like those with serious glandular disorders, I can understand the necessity for, but you're definitely not one of those people.
    I wrote two paragraphs on the U.S. topic but decided it was too long for a comment and deleted it. So I'll try to find some time later to put up my thoughts on my blog page.
    Very thought provoking, Chelsea. I love hearing other views on these things. Keep up the great writing!
