Monday, February 20, 2012

Baking on the Holidays

Awhile back, I tried to make some cake balls. It was disastrous. I tried again last semester, and things turned out a little better, but it was hard. For Valentines Day, my mom bought me a book full of cake ball designs. I tried a design out this weekend. It was fun, and a lot easier than the first two times. Hopefully as I do it more things will get easier. I'll let you see if you can guess what they're supposed to look like (besides yummy).

The first one of the batch

The more I did it, the easier it was. I managed about half without sticks. Next time I go home I think I'll try tigers. Can you all tell what these are supposed to be?

They're owls.


  1. owls! and so delicious. oh man. I ate one for breakfast, cause I'm super healthy like that, but man. they are goooood.
