Monday, March 3, 2014

Transition Phase

Everyone asks me, "Isn't it great to be done with college?" whenever they see me.

Here's what's nice:

1. No homework.
2. No tests.

Here's what's been rough:

1. No job.
2. Searching for a job.
3. Waiting to hear from grad schools.
4. Getting rejection letters.
5. Never hearing back from companies for jobs.
6. Going back living with family after having your own place because you're not in college and have no job.

And there's a list of more things, like that my computer broke, it cost a lot to fix, it took two months for management to fix my room, that means that I couldn't get it up for sale (although Nathan helped me find someone who wants my contract), I keep getting hives and spider/insect bites that have caused me a lot of grief, etc. I realize those are just little things, but on top of the bigger things, the last two months have been awful. So, is graduation nice? No, not really. It hasn't been. But do I hope that graduation will be better after I can get a job? Yes.

And hopefully I don't screw anything else up along the way.