Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Finally Some Progress!

So, I'm really doing well on achieving my goals this year. And that feels pretty darn fantastic. Right now I stand at four failed goals out of twenty-one. So that's 17/21. That's 80 percent success!

1. Exercise at least once a week outside of dancing.


2. Read one book a month outside of required reading.

I've been so enjoying literature.

3. Get all my great works papers written.

Like I said before: five stars!

4. Save around $50 a month.

I was able to save a lot of money last month.

5. Get my Honors Thesis written.

Honors thesis defended and passed! Now to publish.

6. Graduate.

As long as I don't fail, this is happening, people!

7. Get an internship.

I heard back. Trying to set up an interview.

8. Get an editing job.

I love freelancing!

9. Apply for Grad school.

I only have to wait for my GRE writing score, and then all my applications can be submitted. And that's both a relief and a worry. Now I'll have to see if I get in!

10. Cook 10 new things.

I'm going to really enjoy cooking more now as my time has freed up a little bit.

11. Have at least a 3.59 GPA by graduation.

I've reached this goal, and so I just have to get good grades this semester to keep it.

12. Crochet something new.

I'm working on a cardigan now, and I plan to make minion hats for my cousin's kids.

13. Take a recreation class.


14. Eat out less.

I've been pretty good at this.

15. Manage my time better.

If I didn't know how to do this, my life would have fallen apart last month.

16. Read the New York Times at least twice a week.

Well, does the Guardian count?

17. Go to at least two dance conventions.

I think I've been to four this year. The problem? I want to go to more conventions, but school is getting in the way!

18. Index at least 200 names.


19. Scrapbook at least 10 pages.


20. Make handmade cards for all the major holidays.

On to Thanksgiving cards!

21. Do something I've never done before.

Well, I've never defended a thesis before, taken the GRE, made finals in an advanced blues comp . . . I'd say this year is full of firsts.