Friday, September 30, 2011

Where've You Been?

All over the place, just not online for pleasure much.  Four to five hours of Arabic a day will do that to you, on top of all your other homework.  When I get done with all the stuff that requires a computer to do, I generally hop off and read for fun.  That is, when I'm not just going to bed.  So, my life has been:
Get up
Go to School
Do Homework
Go to Bed
Occasionally there's an ultimate frisbee game or a random friend visit in there.  Otherwise, that's pretty much my entire life.

I did go to my cousin's daughter's third birthday party, though.  They live in Bluffdale now, so it's easier to go visit.  I think I'll have to go visit for sure next month.  I found the time to make Tajsha a little trick or treat bag.

A cute little Frankenstein's Monster, if I do say so myself.

Here's some of the pictures of the party:

J.J. and Junior

Tajsha is so excited to open presents.  Backpack was the hit of the day.


Junior and Me.

Cake time!

But Junior wants a banana.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Update on Resolutions 8

So, I started school this last week, and I'm hoping not to be overwhelmed.  I noticed that I have almost all my expected accomplished goals accomplished.  That feels good.  So, it's ridiculously short for the last month, but here's the update.

3.  I'm taking a Country Swing Dance class.

20.  I read All Just Glass by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes and Tinkers by Paul Harding.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

HAAY # 11

In times of panic because of homework overload, it's already time for another HAAY.