Thursday, November 4, 2010


Flowrider was a blast tonight.  It was nothing like wakeboarding, despite what I've been told.  As I got on the board and out there, there was nothing to hang on to to keep me up!  I fell more than I stayed up.  Albeit, knowing how to stay on any type of board gives you an advantage.

Question: Did it hurt to fall?

Answer: No.  If you're worried about it, manage the fall.  By that I mean duck your head down and put your arms across your body.  It solves any awkward landings.

Question: Was it hard to stay up?

Answer: Yes, but they have a rope you can hold on to when you're learning so you can stay up longer.  As you keep going with the rope you get the hang of it and can then try it on your own.

Question: Any techniques that worked particularly well for you?

Answer:  For me, using a certain board worked better.  Also, they tell you to keep all your weight on your back foot.  This is good advice when you're slipping into the water, but not once you're in it.  Then you want to balance your weight so you don't zoom up and then back down onto the rubber, lose your balance, and fall.

And Megan Moulding, we're going to have to go do that.  It is something that you would really like to do, I just know.  Although I could do it alone, I think it is much more fun to have someone to do it with.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I'm not sure you could pay me to be in a swimming suit and fall down a lot, in front of an audience. That sounds like my nightmare scenario. But I have always wanted to try Flowrider, I'll admit. Just without all the windows and people.
