Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sneaky Weeks

Coming back from a long weekend to a ton of homework that you have less than 24 hours to do is always traumatizing.  I don't have a ton of homework because I didn't do homework over the weekend; I have a ton of homework because BYU decided to have a Monday schedule on Tuesday, and then switch back to the regular schedule for the rest of the week.  This means I have two days with four continuous hours of classes.  Regularly, this wouldn't be a problem.  However, my classes require an uncommonly large amount of reading.

Usually I have Tuesday to do most of my reading.  I'll do part of my reading after school on Monday, and finish it up on Tuesday.  Then I'll do part of my homework on Wednesday, and finish it up on Thursday, etc.  This work load coming back from the holiday is particularly daunting, because my brain doesn't handle stress very well after coming back from a stress free weekend.

I am no good at drawing pictures, so this is what my brain goes through in words:

Yaay, school!  It's nice to be back and learning.

(Two hours into classes) I'm hungry.  Lets munch on wheat thins!

(Wheat thins being eaten)  Wheat thins are loud, and I can't pay attention and eat at the same time.

(I stop eating)

Can't... pay... attention......... too hungry....

Ooh, mythology!


ugh... six more books of the Odyssey to read?  Why did I decide to read it for fun this summer?

Classical Humanities.... soooo bored. 

(Eat apple before class begins)

Maybe I can make it through class.  It's only fifty more minutes.  

Have to take notes... (brain death nearing).... have to get a good grade.... have to stay awake and pay attention....

(ambling down the hill) Fresh air and freedom!  Now to go get a decent meal.

(eating and watching tv) Oh... I have homework.  But, I've eaten, so I can do this!

Ooh, I've never read this before!

I see why I never read it.

How many more pages?

Fifty down.... a hundred more to go....

And I have three papers to work on after this?

Stop working.  Watch House.

Read five more pages.

Stop.  Read blogs.

Must finish homework.

No, must write on blog.

Working on your homework is the right honorable thing to do.

Shut up conscience.

And this is usually a daily thing, unless the reading is particularly interesting or if I am in the mood to be productive and write.  Today, this is a very troublesome thought process, because my lazy side is winning out.  We'll see if I survive the evening.  And, maybe someday I'll get some white paper and draw out a stick figure cartoon of it all and scan it in for my blog.  Maybe.  Like I said, no artistic talent.

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