Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's

For all of us single folks, there was a family home evening at the Burr's house in Alpine.  We decorated and ate sugar cookies, had a pickup line contest, and gave out valentines to people.  It was fun.

The last person to press the button after the music stops gets shocked game.

Jeff (the guy with his back turned) got shocked.

Lots of people gathering round the cookies.

Danielle (left) and her friend getting cookies.

The only two I know in this picture are Andy (center) and Becca (right)

A group of people.  I was just randomly snapping photos.  I have seen all of these people around before, but I just don't know names.  Never made a point to ask or remember, I guess.

Steve's holding the posters reading pickup lines for the contest.  The winner was, "We should open a Little Caesars because you're hot and I'm ready."

Everyone listening to the contest.

Saying goodbyes!

People I know from left to right: Nathaniel, Aubri, Amber. 

Aubri and Amber

I didn't want to have my picture taken alone, but they wanted me to have a picture taken, so they joined in.

Anthony and me.

1 comment:

  1. That's Danielle Nelson! She lived in California with me! I don't think she would recognize my name but if she saw a picture she would remember.
