Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Two Major Peeves

There are two things that really bother me: screaming mothers and screaming children.

And no, I can't tell the difference between when your baby squeals with joy or screams because he/she is upset.  It's all the same sound, and it gets on my nerves with extreme ease.  When your child is that young, there is little to no difference between your child's giggle and its cry.  The quieter the better.

Don't take your infant or toddler to cultural events.  It annoys us all when your child starts screaming and you don't take them out of the theater, and can only bring you embarrassment.  It doesn't matter how cute they are to you; nothing is cute when it's screaming.

Oh, and mothers, please don't get upset and start yelling at me because I don't know exactly what you want or what the situation is.  I don't have children because I don't want them (at least at this period of my life; that may change; you never know).  I do, however, believe that you should respect everyone and take care of your child by exiting the room with your child when it starts to scream.  If you want my help, ask for it.  Don't go to a bunch of trouble to fix everything and come back to tell me that I should have done this or that to help.

Okay, I think I'm done now.  This wasn't directed towards anyone in particular.  I just had an overwhelming urge to express that before I went to bed.  It really bothers me, and I wanted people to know how I felt.  A blog post felt better than bursting into song about it.

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